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Oct. 1 - Kimolos 🇬🇷

Today we rose early and jumped in the car for a day of adventure on a neighbouring island, Kimolos. It’s a beautiful little island of the Cyclades located just a 30-minute ferry ride from Milos. This island is a world unto itself. Famous for its amazing beaches, crystal clear waters and picturesque architecture, Kimolos is shaping up to be one of the hottest alternative destinations in Greece. Chorio, the only village, has many of the islands hotels, restaurants, shops and tourist facilities. The look of the Chorio, a charming maze of stone paths, gleaming white churches with blue painted domes and row after row of white cubist homes looks like a main town in the neighbouring islands. This extremely photogenic island made us fall in love! As Kimolos is not a popular tourist destination, especially in October, the beaches were deserted and presented an amazingly relaxing ambiance. We chose Agios Georgios which is 5 Km north east of Chorio. It is a long, sandy beach in a very calm environment. Kimolos is perfect for the traveler looking for a glimpse of authentic Greek island life. Our hotel manager in Milos said, “Kimolos is like the rest of Greece 40 years ago!” Kimolos is home to a hilltop field of abandoned windmills that once buzzed with a collective natural energy of the island; its wind. Another plus, the view is simply incredible. What a day!

Kimolos, Greece

Agios Georgios, Passas Beach

Passas Beach; white sand, warm crystal-clear water, and nobody else in sight = PARADISE!

Chorio on Kimolos from the Scala

Raw, undeveloped, beautiful Kimolos

From the ferry back to Polonia on Milos. Beautiful harbour.

Papafragos Beach, on the way back to our hotel in Milos. Spectacular!

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Hermann Matis
Hermann Matis
Oct 01, 2019

Love those kind of places - "the way things were decades ago!" Great to hear of these unique Greek islands - sooo wanting to check them out! Appreciate your informative, easy flowing writing style, Gregg!

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