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May 9 - Santa Cruz and our last day on the Sea Star Journey

This morning we said goodbye to the crew and boarded the zodiac for the last time. The ride to Port Aroya on Santa Cruz was short and sweet. All too soon it was over. We jumped on our tour bus and drove to the highlands to visit the giant tortoises, some of which are over 100 years old and the largest living species of tortoise in the world. Galapagos tortoises are native to seven of the Galapagos islands, and these gentle giants can weigh up to 420 Kg. Did you know since tortoise is called “Galapago” in Spanish, the whole area is named Galápagos Islands? After a short visit with these long-living vertebrates, we made our way back to the coast and hopped a short ferry ride back to Baltra Island and the airport where our adventure began 5 days ago. Adios, Galápagos!

A large male tortoise...still a bit shy!

Why did the tortoise cross the road? To get to the other side, of course!

The mud smothers the insects that bother these guys!

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