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May 13 - Sexy Woman

We awoke today to 46 degree temperatures and a threatening sky but were keen to explore this Incan capital and all it has to offer. First stop was Sacsayhuaman (many pronounce it sexy woman)! This is the second most important Inca site in the Cusco area after Qorikancha (Temple of the sun). Towering high above Cusco, the ruins of Sacsayhuaman are a constant reminder of the city’s Inca roots. Huge stone blocks beg the question about how they were carved and maneuvered into position (just like the pyramids). If the Incas designed Cusco in the shape of a puma, then Sacsayhuaman represents its ferocious head. Construction of the site began in the 1440’s and it’s thought that 20,000 workers were needed for construction. Today, it’s still an engineering marvel. Look at how these huge blocks of stone are carved and placed with hardly a space for a dime between stones and stacked like a jigsaw puzzle. It boggles the mind. Sadly, it was here in 1535-1536 that the Spaniards brought an end to the Inca Empire and destroyed their temples to use the stones for Christian buildings below in the city of Cusco.

Huge blocks of stone. How were they able to carve them so preciously and lift them into place?

Look at the size of the corner stone!

Sun Gate. This is one of the main entrances to Sacsayhuaman

Check out how these stones are carved at fit together. You couldn’t get a dollar bill between the stones!

From the top, the view down to Cusco is stunning

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